Trade Monitoring Database

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Since 2009 the WTO Trade Monitoring Exercise has provided WTO Members with regular updates on the latest trends in the implementation of a broad range of policy measures that facilitate as well as restrict the flow of trade. Although the monitoring of trade measures is a continuous exercise throughout the year, the description of the actual trends as well as the more general update on the state of global trade take place in the WTO-wide Trade Monitoring Reports which are circulated twice a year. As such, the methodology section applies to these Reports.

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About us

The WTO Trade Monitoring exercise was launched in early 2009 immediately following the outbreak of the global financial crisis with the objective of providing WTO Members and Observers with regular updates on all trade and trade-related measures implemented in the context of the crisis. The exercise has become a regular function in the WTO that further strengthens the transparency objectives of the Trade Policy Review Mechanism by shedding light on the latest trends in the implementation of a broad range of policy measures that facilitate as well as restrict the flow of trade. The trade monitoring exercise is overseen by the Trade Policy Review Body. The Trade Monitoring Reports are first and foremost a transparency exercise. This exercise is intended to be purely factual and has no legal effect on the rights and obligations of WTO Members. It is without prejudice to Members' negotiating positions and has no legal implication with respect to the conformity of any measure noted in the Report with any WTO Agreement or any provision thereof.

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